A new biography of Francis of Assisi by Fr. Michael Cusato, scholar-in-residence at St. Bonaventure Friary, represents decades of original research and reflection by the author, one of the leading historians of the Franciscan phenomenon working in the world today.
“Francis of Assisi: His Life, Vision and Companions,” was published by Reaktion Books in London, within the context of their “Medieval Lives” series.
Its originality consists in approaching the life and charism of Francis within the vision developed by Francis and his earliest friars in order to generate a spirit of both personal (individual) and societal renewal through the values of the gospel.
Cusato, a professor of Franciscan studies, served as dean of the former School of Franciscan Studies at St. Bonaventure and as director of the Franciscan Institute. His publications list includes some 125 articles.
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