Br. Gregory Cellini, O.S.F., ’16, is the author of “Transform Yourself – Transform the World, A Franciscan View of Career” published by Tau Publishing. The book takes the reader through Br. Gregory’s incredible journey from a 29-year career in big pharmaceuticals to his true purpose as a Franciscan brother. His candid exploration of purpose, introspection and reflection provides practical tips on how to create a life and career of deep meaning. “This book – the first on the subject matter – will enlighten and, more importantly, inspire the reader to view their career in a Franciscan way. As one reads this book, they will have the chance to define and embrace a wider view of their contribution and move beyond personal success to actions that transform themselves and transform the world,” he said. Br. Gregory’s primary ministry is at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, where he is director of the Office of Mission, Ministry and Interfaith Dialogue, and an adjunct professor. He also hosts “Thank God For Monday,” a weekly radio talk show about the workplace.
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