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In a new book, Dr. John Robert “Bob” Greene, ’77, presents a perspective that differs markedly from the negative judgment most of his colleagues have passed regarding the presidency of George W. Bush.

Working through Freedom of Information Act requests to the George W. Bush Presidential Library and the National Archives, the author unearthed a trove of newly released information and documents that include some previously classified materials.

These provide evidence that despite its shortcomings and defining response to 9/11 and the War on Terror, the Bush administration produced many positive achievements in social, domestic, economic, and national security policy matters, Greene says.

The assessment is documented in his book, “The Presidency of George W. Bush,” published by University Press of Kansas. Its publisher says it is the first scholarly work to make wide use of documents accessed from the Bush Presidential Library and the National Archives through extensive FOIA requests.

Greene, a nationally noted presidential historian, is the longest-serving faculty member at Cazenovia College, where he has taught  for 42 years.