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Christopher Albrecht, ’93, published and released his first book titled “Unconventionally Successful,” published by NFB Publishing in Buffalo.

This book sheds light on out-of-the box thoughts and actions that led to extraordinary outcomes.

Entertaining and informative, this novel binds three formats: interview, reflection and narrative. Albrecht spent three years interviewing hundreds of people with a diversity of backgrounds and lifestyles asking them to reflect on their recollections, memories and experiences with teachers and their many impacts on their lives.

Focused on eight interviews, the author parallels research on similar historical narratives and reflections. The result is a one-of-a-kind read that uncovers unconventional patterns, unique circumstances and opportunities that light the road of joy and happiness that root themselves in our schools and colleges.

Albrecht is the 2018 New York State Teacher of the Year and 2019 National Teachers Hall of Fame Inductee.