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Richard Pardi

Major: Accounting

Current Job: Retired 

Now you come out of the light back into the darkness. Just like you did when you came to Bonaventure not knowing what this new life will be like: Will my classmates like me, will I have a nice roommate, etc. Everything turned out OK.

In about 2084 you will be my age, 85. Like me and all my friends you will be married, raised children and seen your grandchildren. Had several interesting jobs, many friends, some will be with you your whole life. You will be involved in your Catholic faith, being a new St. Francis or St. Clare to the world.

You will retire and in the quite time of your your life you will think back at the times that Jesus touched your life. Maybe it was when you had been taking communion to others all day Sunday. It was five p.m. and you had one more visit. You were tired and the person you were visiting sometimes didn’t know you were there. So you turn the car around to head home and in your mind you hear a voice that says “you know, I could have gotten down from the cross any time I wanted because I was tired and hurting.” The voice stopped, I again turned the car around to make the last visit. There will be plenty of time to rest in paradise.

Yes, you will have periods of being down, you lost the light, maybe your marriage turned rocky, a child was hard to manage. Always have love in these and all the periods of your life because love will conquer all. Nothing can continue to fight against love. Love will always win. So be kind be gentle, turn the other cheek if you have to, go the extra mile and always, always remember it was not you who accomplished the great things in your life but your LORD Jesus Christ.