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Kevin Cleary

Major: Marketing

Current Job: Senior Manager – Commercial Innovation at Diageo

Dear seniors,

During this time, I hope you have had time to reflect on your journey and that you are proud of everything you personally accomplished during your time at St. Bonaventure University, along with everything you brought to the university community.

You are joining this amazing group of alumni – and we welcome you! I encourage you to take time to reflect on how you came to St. Bonaventure and who assisted you in developing into the person you are today. You are about to go out into the world and make it a better place, not just for yourself, but for your community, for all of us.

You now have a degree from a premier Catholic university that has an amazing reputation. You have an incredible support network among your classmates, faculty, staff, and alumni. The key ingredient that each of you now possess is the Franciscan spirit and values that lie within each of you. You learned these values along the way while living at St. Bonaventure in community together. You cared for one another if you knew one another’s names, or not.

You assisted one another through service, during good times and bad, understanding differences and opposing viewpoints, which are all desperately needed within today’s world. Love of service lies within each of you.

Your journey is not concluding at graduation, instead it’s just getting started. This last semester was not the way you or many of us would have planned, but in life you will be presented good times and obstacles and how you deal with those will define you. I wish each of you all the continued success!

Congratulations, and Go Bona’s.