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Peter M. Gigliotti 

Major: Journalism

Current Job: Founder/CEO at CrissComm LLC

You are graduating during a turbulent time for our nation and the world, but you facie these new challenges from a position of strength: Your Bonaventure experience. Like the thousands of us who have been privileged to attend Bonaventure, you are now part of a legacy that extends to the university’s founding.

This legacy extends to both your personal and professional lives. You have earned a degree that gives you the skills and talents needed to become successful in your chosen profession. . Your faculty members shared with you their wisdom and knowledge so that you have the basic foundation needed to achieve your professional goals.

As importantly, you have been able to share in the Franciscan philosophy that is at the heart of all Bonaventure is and does. That philosophy, which you saw and lived every day, gives you qualities much needed today: Citizenship, integrity, loyalty, and compassion for others. You are the embodiment of those beliefs and you are the reason that Bonaventure is a place to learn, a place to grow, and a place to cherish forever. As you go through life, you will become the civic leaders essential to our nation’s success through your efforts as volunteers, elected officials and in other positions.

Years from now what will stand out in your mind is not your truncated senior year, but your roommates, the student you sat next to in class who made you laugh, and the faculty who changed your life. It will also be the memories of an experience that has changed us all.

Best wishes in your lives and I know that you will make Bonaventure proud.