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A lifelong curiosity in learning and teaching led Bob Cancalosi, ’82, to journaling as a deliberate process to record his ideas in detail and reflect on their significance. It also led him to write his first book, “Four Loop Learning – The Art of Journaling & Reflective Leadership.”

The book explains and explores the four loop process of recording, reflecting, acting and sharing, and contains more than 100 lessons on leadership and life extracted from his journals.

Over the past 20 years – and writing in 68 journals – Cancalosi saw how his reflections and learning heightened his expertise in leadership development.

His four loop process evokes personal growth and emphasizes the importance of sharing thoughts and building ideas. He spent many years experimenting and mastering the best ways to share his journaling methodology to teach and mentor professionals to use the process to become better leaders.

Cancalosi’s career spans more than 30 years at GE.