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Wave Rider

Kevin Murphy embraces the healing power of the ocean to expand access to surf and sand to people with disabilities

Steeped in Success

As the School of Communication marks 75 years, its home is prepped for a transformation


President's Message

From President Gingerich: creating a campus where all feel they belong

Alumni Voices

From Cape Code to St. Lucia, alums share where they’ve unexpectedly run into a fellow Bonnie.

SBU alums

Evelyn Kinnah, '97

SBU changed the trajectory of her life, allowing her to leave West Africa to study in the U.S.

Smiles for Miles

Bonnies had a blast at Alumni Reunion Weekend 2024, setting attendance records.

reunion 2024

Alumni Survey

Your response rate to our survey knocked it out of the park – thank you!

Lindsay Retchless

Off the Shelf

Explore books about secrets, lies, fake news and other new releases by alumni authors.

The nightmare man

Alumni Updates

Update your address, share career news, alumni wedding, births and class notes

Off the shelf

Discover summaries of new books, CDs and other multimedia works published by SBU alumni, faculty and staff.

Franciscan Minute

Dive into what it means to be Franciscan from the
St. Bonaventure perspective.